The Science House Express
The Science House Express
Enjoy our new K-12 virtual STEM content for teachers, parents, and students.
⭐Here’s what to expect⭐
✔ Mondays – Selected Science Resources for teachers and parents.
✔ Wednesdays – A Virtual Science Activity for K-12 students.
✔ Fridays – Fun Interviews with expert scientists.
Each Science Express week has a different theme.
The Science House Express Archive
- Week 1: It IS Rocket Science!
- Week 2: Data Data Everywhere!
- Week 3: Fun with Food Science: Enzymes!
- Week 4: Citizen Science!
- Week 5: Science Communication
- Week 6: Light: Magic or Science?
- Week 7: Water Science
- Week 8: LEDs
- Week 9: Physics from the Junk Drawer
- Week 10: From Garbage to Groceries
- Week 11: Optics
- Week 12: Color Chemistry
- Week 13: Polymers
- Week 14: Composting
- Week 15: Sizing Up the Solar System
Week 1: It IS Rocket Science!
- Resource Roundup
- Experimental Wednesday Video – Straw Rockets
- Friday Chats Video – Interview with Ashby Scruggs,
President of the High-Powered Rocketry Club at
NC State University
Week 2: Data Data EVERYWHERE!
- Resource Roundup
- Experimental Wednesdays Video – Gather IQ
- Friday Chats Video – Interview with Dr. Eric Laber,
Professor of Statistics at NC State University.
Week 3: Fun with Food Science: Enzymes!
- Resource Roundup
- Experimental Wednesdays – Enzymes
- Friday Chats Video – Interview with Dr. Erin
McKenney, Microbial Ecologist in the Department
of Applied Ecology at NC State University.
Week 4: Citizen Science!
- Resource Roundup
- Experimental Wednesdays – 360 exploration
of nature using iNaturalist (VR available). - Friday Chats Video – Interview with Dr. Rob
Dunn, Professor in the Department of
Applied Ecology at NC State University.
Week 5: Science Communication
- Resource Roundup
- Experimental Wednesdays – The Wonder of Words
- Friday Chats video – Interview with Dr. Stephanie
Schuttler, wildlife biologist and science communicator.
Week 6: Light: magic or Science?
- Resource Roundup
- Experimental Wednesdays – Light: Science or Magic?
- Friday Chats – Interview with Elon Price, Physicist,
NCSU Alumni and Graduate Student at Fisk-Vanderbilt
Physics Program.
Week 7: Water Science
- Resource Roundup
- Experimental Wednesdays – Accessible
Water Design Challenge - Friday Chats video – Interview with Dr. Francis
de los Reyes, Professor of Civil, Construction and
Environmental Engineering at NC State University.
Week 8: LEDs
- Resource Roundup
- Experimental Wednesdays – LED Flashlight Activity
- Friday Chats video – Interview with Dr. Ramon Collazo,
Assistant Professor, Material Sciences and Engineering.
Week 9: Physics from the Junk Drawer
- Resource Roundup
- Experimental Wednesdays – Inertia
- Friday Chats – Interview with Dr. David Haase
Professor Emeritus at the Department of Physics
at NC State University.
Week 10: From Garbage to Groceries
- Resource Roundup
- Experimental Wednesdays – From Garbage to
Groceries - Friday Chats – Interview with Jeff Chandler,
Director of NC State University’s Mountain
Horticultural Research Station and Extension
Center in Mills River NC.
Week 11: Optics
- Resource Roundup
- Experimental Wednesdays – Optics
- Friday Chats – Interview with Dr. Lewis Johnson,
Assistant Vice President of Strategic Planning and
Performance Measures with Associate Provost for
Student Success and Strategic Initiative at Florida
A & M University.
Week 12: Color Chemistry
- Resource Roundup
- Experimental Wednesdays – Color Chemistry
- Friday Chats – Episode 12 Interview with Dr.
Nelson Vinueza Benitez
Week 13: Polymers
- Resource Roundup
- Experimental Wednesdays – Polymers
- Friday Chats – Interview with Dr. Amber
Hubbard, a recent doctoral graduate of
NC State.
Week 14: Composting
- Resource Roundup
- Experimental Wednesdays – Composting
- Friday Chats – Interview with Taira Lance, soil
conservationist and environmental educator with
Buncombe County Soil and Water Department.