An international and national award winning high school program designed to create STEM opportunities for students with disabilities.
The primary goal of the Catalyst program is to provide students with the skills, knowledge and experiences they need to help build the STEM workforce of the future.
Catalyst provides students with a unique opportunity to engage with STEM education through free weeklong institutes in the summer and Saturday sessions throughout the school year.
Catalyst prepares students for a future in STEM through:
- STEM content and skills through hands-on labs, engineering design, research, computer programming, and more.
- STEM field trips
- Workforce and college readiness skills
- Explore STEM careers and educational pathways
- Paid internships to learn workforce readiness and professional skills
- Overnight field trips to see first hand cutting edge research, labs, and other experiences.
- Instruction by professors, graduate students and STEM professionals
- Advocacy
Alumni of Catalyst are attending colleges including Wake Tech, UNC Chapel Hill, UNC Charlotte, UNC Asheville, NC State University, UNC Pembroke, Eastern Carolina University, Appalachian State University, Northeastern, Campbell and Peace College. They are majoring in STEM programs such as engineering, physics, molecular biology, chemistry, mathematics, electrician, nursing and received many scholarships and awards.
Upcoming Events
Stay tuned for updates.
Program Details
Catalyst has been successfully engaging students with disabilities in STEM for the past six years. Our program is a part of The Science House at NC State located on NC State’s Centennial Campus. Students are eligible to participate if they are rising 9-12th grade students with ANY disability. Students can be in regular education classes (AP, honors, regular level) or in the OCS Program. Catalyst is designed specifically for students interested in STEM who want to pursue a STEM career following high school.
Catalyst is funded by North Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation and free for qualified participants. Catalyst has many community partners including NC State, Wake Technical Community College, NC Museum of Natural Sciences, ABB, Burroughs Wellcome Foundation, Red Hat, Eastman Fund, Kenan Institute, NC Space Grant, IBM, Fidelity, Junior Achievement, EPA and NASA. Catalyst would not exist without the generosity of our funder and partners.
If you are interested in this program, please contact Joann Blumenfeld, Program Director, at or by phone at (919) 633-3120.
Catalyst in the News
Catalyst Students visit Puerto Rico, get field experience in STEM
N.C. High Schoolers fly to Puerto Rico for hands-on STEM experience
Catalyst Program Goes to NASA
Creating STEM Opportunties: Catalyst Program in Photos
Joann Blumenfeld, Catalyst Director, received 2022 Friday Medal from the Friday Institute
Joann Blumenfeld, Catalyst Director, Named One of Time’s Innovative Teacher of the Year 2022
NC First Lady, NC Commerce Secretary Visit The Science House (Catalyst)
Energizing opportunities for students with disabilities in STEM
Education Matters with Joann and Governor Cooper
Catalyst InvenTeam brings high-level STEM to students with disabilities
Catalyst Awards and Accomplishments
- Airwards 23/24 Winner in the Education and Research / Training Category: NC State College of Sciences with our work, “Drones Power Launch for Disabled Students in STEM at NCSU.
- Invited to the International Institute of Tropical Forestry, San Juan, Puerto Rico for a Special Program, April 2024
- Invited to NASA Johnson Space Center, April 2023 for a Special Program.
- Received a National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant For Connecting Students with Autism to Geographic Information Science & Technology, 2021
- Program of Excellence Award, 2021, International Technology and Engineering Educators Association.
- Winners of National 2017 Lemelson-MIT InvenTeam Competition. The students invented a mat that screens for lameness in cows and an App that notifies farmers. This device costs less than $1,000, and the current one on the market is over $100,000. They also won the technical award and were the only in the country with all students with disabilities. All participants presented at MIT and received a $10,000 grant to build their invention, which we hope to patent.
- Winners of National Energy Education Development Project: Special Project Award, 2020
- Invited to the US Patent Office, June 2018 for a special program.
- All graduating Catalyst Seniors have gone on to STEM Educational Pathways in College.
- Letter of Commendation from President Obama
- Invited to NASA Johnson Space Center, April 2023 for a Special Program.
Related Programs
Connecting Students with Autism to Geographic Information Systems and Technology Program (CSA – GIST)