S-Cubed FAQs
How is this program different from other Professional Development programs?
Unlike many PD offerings that tend to be either canned programs (think 8-step process) or focused only on specific methodology (e.g. how to plan a PBL unit), the S-Cubed program differentiates itself in two distinct ways:
- The support provided to each school is customized to meet the specific needs, goals, and assets of the teachers. This sustained support includes face-to-face PD, coaching, virtual coaching and instruction, and on-site visits.
- The program’s facilitators carefully guide participating schools through an analysis of the 2023 Science Essential Standards and why Science and Engineering Practices are essential to implementation and student-centered learning. Next, the participants will experience modeling practice and SEP-centered lessons with the opportunity to analyze the differences between this instruction from more traditional instruction. Finally, facilitators will guide teachers through a unique process of shifting their lessons and provide in-classroom support for that implementation.
Why is this type of program needed now?
With the implementation of the new standards comes the new assessments. Testing will focus on the Science and Engineering practices now embedded in the new standards. To best prepare, teachers and students need to know how to shift what they are currently doing so that classrooms are not just a mandatory “I have got to” situation but become an “I get to” situation. We must learn how to adapt our classroom environment from being teacher-centered to student-centered. The S-Cubed program is an anecdote to this outdated, abstract, and one-size-fits-all approach that is not serving our students, especially those who have historically been furthest from opportunity. This will increase student success inside and outside of the classroom.
What are the program’s objectives and desired outcomes?
- Participants will start with an analysis of the 2023 NC Science Standards and a dive into why the Standards emphasize Science and Engineering Practices. This will extend to identifying foundational actions needed to bring classrooms to life through facilitated protocols and expansive modeling practice.
- Participants will spend time identifying, adapting, and refining innovative teaching and learning best practices that have been proven to work for students.
- Participants will shift traditional lessons to include the new practices to become more student-centric.
- Participants will identify areas where they can leverage student success and any roadblocks encountered during the implementation of the 2023 NC Science Standards. Strategies will be provided to address the identified roadblocks and in-classroom support will be available.
- The program will conclude with a reflective protocol that denotes the next steps needed for further shifting.
What does the price include?
- At least 60 hours of high-quality professional development to help schools investigate and implement the 2023 NC Science Standards.
- Whole group PD and site-specific PD.
- Targeted, sustained coaching by 2+ experienced facilitators for the 2024-25 school year
- The ability to work in a collaborative network of partner schools in the same cohort.
- Monthly “just-in-time” virtual coaching
- Open-source access to all resources (slide decks, rubrics, self-assessments, model lessons, etc.) that are needed to build a collaborative STEM culture.
- Participating schools are also guaranteed no less than 7 days of direct service and support from expert facilitators, targeted to their specific needs and goals, all at a total cost that is very competitive opposite typical consulting rates.
- Facility and parking fees for all training held at the NCSU Science House.
- Food/snacks for each live PD event.
- Workshop supplies during all live events.
Is there funding available to help schools cover the cost of enrollment?
The S-Cubed team is currently working on potential grants to cover a portion of the enrollment fees. However, below is a list of grants available for individual schools to help support their program enrollment fees:
- STEMfinity list of foundation grants for various counties
- Albemarle Foundation Grant for CMS teachers
- The NEA Foundation
- Costco Charitable Contributions
- The PBL Education Foundation
- Toshiba America Foundation Grant
- The Goldberg Foundation
What resources are included?
Participants will have access to various materials during and after the program that are full of resources that can help schools develop and refine their curriculum. All of these materials are open source, allowing participants to revise and adapt them in any way they wish. NC State University will also provide various materials related to current STEM pedagogy and educational research.
Are participating schools required to pay the total amount at the beginning of the school year?
No. Participating schools will be invoiced in late October/early November, but the amount is not due until December 31, 2024
Are there additional costs that schools might have to cover?
Schools are responsible for their individual travel costs such as mileage, as well as any substitute fees.
Additional Questions?
Contact Michelle Benigno at 828-206-3014 or mtbenign@ncsu.edu