NC State Students
NC State Students
NC Science Olympiad Tournament Volunteers Needed
Regional Tournaments take place every weekend all across NC from February through mid-May. We need LOTS of volunteers. You can register to volunteer at any tournament. You can also volunteer to write events or help us prepare for tournaments right here at NC State. Contact Lisa Giacomelli to serve as an NCSO office volunteer or event writer.
TSH Robotics Program Mentors Wanted
The Science House started a First TECH Challenge team. The team has high school students and we are looking for mentors to help them learn some or all of the following:
- Java, Android Studio & Android Apps, GitHub
- Proper source code management across a team
- Testing strategies, automated testing
Engineering / Robotics
- Mechanical engineering – ideas & designs for tank treads, lifts, robotic arms, ball shooters, etc.
- Wiring
- Prototyping
- Shop tool use & safety
- 3D printing
Marketing / Fundraising
- Web design & online marketing – using social media to promote an organization (facebook, twitter, etc.)
- Grant writing
- Presentation skills
Planning/Project management
- Estimation & project planning strategies
- MS Project or other planning tools
Contact Jason Painter if you would be willing to serve as a mentor.