Statistics Internship: Classification and Support Vector Machines

Grade Level(s): High School

Date(s): July 11 - 15, 2016

Location: North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC

Cost: No Cost (Stipend Awarded: $2500 for teachers)

Description: Participate in a one-of-a-kind PAID Statistics Internship (3 teachers will be selected) with Dr. Yichao Wu. During the internship you will be engaged in activities related to R ( and Support Vector Machines ( You will learn about classification, which is the problem of predicting which of a set of categories a future observation belongs to, based on a training set of observations with their category membership known. Our everyday life is full of classification examples: doctors make cancer prediction after conducting diagnosis tests; an email filter tries to discriminate between spam and non-spam emails based on keywords. Finally, you will tour some local research organizations and work on assignments based on codes you develop.

Contact(s): Dr. Yichao Wu (

Application Deadline: March 15, 2016