Customized Local Workshops
Schools and/or school systems can work with the director of the satellite office to customize a workshop to meet a variety of STEM needs.
Contact Michelle Benigno to develop your program.
- Curriculum Implementation
- Specialized training on adopted curriculum
- Training on how to integrate the curriculum into pacing guides and content standards
- Facilitated planning and coaching sessions
- STEM Tools
- Training on a variety of technologies and tools to enhance STEM programs
- 3D Printing
- Training on how to use 3D printers and design items for printing
- Makey Makey
- Training on Makey Makey use
- Science Olympiad 101
- Open to current coaches, persons considering starting a team, etc.
- “On the Go” curriculum kit training
- Kits available through the MSO equipment loan program (ELP)
- 4th grade – Forces, Matter and Basic Forms of Energy
- 5th grade – Forces and Motion
- 7th grade – Forces and Motion
- 8th grade – Properties of Change
- Kits available through the MSO equipment loan program (ELP)
- Literacy Integration and Using STEM to Enhance Literacy Session
- Literacy Strategies and STEM enrichment
- M3 (Making Mathematics Meaningful) Session/Coaching
- Investigations and Connected Mathematics training/coaching
- Engineering Your Classroom: Using the Design Cycle to Engineer Lessons
- Using the engineering design cycle to make any content STEM focused
- Framework Session
- PBL (Problem-based, Place-based, Project-based Learning)
- CBL (Case-based Learning)
- Open to all grade levels and content areas
- STEM to Your Doorstep
- Training on the use and integration of Vernier interfaces and probeware
- Enables educators to participate in the Equipment Loan Program